What to expect?

Classical BDSM in Barcelona

Classical as in the tying up, the spanking, the Domination…
Basically: the way you have seen in the movies, the magazines, and what has been in the human subconscious forever.

What practices do I like best?

I often get the question of what I like best to do.

But really, it’s not so much about the activities as much as the mental joy.
I get My kinks when I stretch your limits, when you go further than you’ve ever been before,
because you want to,
because My natural dominating streak has taken hold of your natural submissive treak and releases all control.

Mental power is what turns Me on, that moment when you let go of control
and you hand Me the power to do whatever I feel like doing with/to you.

which is the entry to that state of subspace that I want to get you deeply into.

Still, I have made a shortlist to give you an idea:

Foot and/or boot or shoe fetishism.
Torture, cbt, nippletorture.

Golden shower.
English Discipline, on all levels, starting of “soft” which could be done spanking with the bare hand until the very highest level of caning… and maybe even a good whipping (if you can handle that?). I love My bullwhip, and My leather snakewhip, but I get to use them seldom as they leave very visible marks on the skin.

 I also love to perform role playing, such as: slavetraining, servant training, interrogation, enprisonment, sissy or slut training and animal training, such as doggy training, human pony riding.

I also enjoy performing anal penetration, letting you know that ALL of yours is Mine to possess using My finger, dildo or My beautiful strapon.


I am specialized in not leaving
any visible trace of our time together.


slim, tall blonde Mistress sitting on a slave cage

More info:

Before the session:

you will contact Me through the contact form.
I read it through. If I like your profile and am available on the proposed dates,
I will send you My quite extended questionnaire, it will have a lot of questions you probably haven’t answered ever before.

When that’s returned and I still enjoy your proposition / profile,
a date and time is set.
you then send a reservation fee.

A dungeon or a bdsm studio will be rented for the duration of our session.

The session itself:

I expect you to be punctual at the given address.
I expect you to arrive in a propper, clean way.
There are showers at the dungeons in case you didn’t have the time to fresh up.
W/we aren’t “in role” until I collar you.
For some people it takes a bit longer to sink into the space before starting, yet I mark the time.
After the hands-on part of the session there will be time to have a quick shower, hydratation and a short debrief/aftercare talk.

Limits and boundaries:

  • I don’t allow extended bodyworship,
    whatever proximity I give you, you should treasure it like gold.
    It’s My gift, usually for good behaviour.
  • I don’t accept any sexual performances on Me. (I might penetrate you, though!)
  • I don’t offer scat sessions
  • I don’t allow anything illegal,
    this includes drugs.
  • If I find you under the influence of alcohol or drugs I reserve the right to stop the session with no devolution of the tribute.